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Nantz Martial Arts Academy
self defense - self esteem - self discipline
Little Kickers
With the 4 and 5 year old students we have to change our way of teaching, because the motor skills and mental state of these students are not quite ready for the older childrens classes. We focus primarily on hand eye coordination and developing good motor skills for our little kickers; not just in the classroom but also out in the real world. Another skill we teach the students is teamwork and disclipline. A major focus for these young students is attention span which is very hard to get so we try to empasize attention with each student in a fun manner so they will do it. With every martial art there is a belt system and for the Little Kickers we also have a belt system however its a little bit different than the regular Tae Kwon Do classes. The belts below show the highest a little kicker can go before entering the childrens class at age 5 or 6 depending on the student.
White with Yellow
White with red
For hours and rates on little kickers go to our hours and rates page by clicking the link below.